Tuesday, June 24, 2008


sorry for the late buddy. got some thing to deal with these days. will be finished by tomorrow.
here are references we've got for Arcade

light impact on environment

cinematography reference

Block & Roll

I've completed my initial test with Rigid Body Dynamics..
The video shows a large cube breaking up into smaller cube.. Very rough for now but you get the ides.. The fun has only just started.... ben :)

Monday, June 23, 2008

Son Of A Pitch Invasion

Well Cleve and myself have just pitch our idea.. which is..

A really life 'Space Invader' Invasion... !!

We'll keep true to the look of the space invaders, but on being struck they'll transform from there dark cubic appearance, into smaller colourful glowing cubes. With each further collision those cubes have within the scenes, they'll be broken into smaller and smaller cubes (like the blog title banner).
So by the end, a city will be littered with cubes, creating a beautiful, colourful, and generally sexy aesthetic.. x

Ambitions but we're both genius' (well Cleve anyway)

We'll keep this blog updated with all are project progressions, so check back to see what's going on.. And why no one from outside the MA Digital Effects course can contact us for the next to months :)  zzzZZzzzzZZZZZZ....

A copy of the presentation is viewable HERE... 

Bye For Now 

Ben :)