Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Impulse and No. of Collisions BreakUp Tests

I did these last week but didn't get around to exporting them ready for the blog... So basically these are two test I did demonstrating two potential methods of affecting the breakups.. Obviously the actually cubic breakup itself isn't as I want, but they show the principle of some key DOP operations.

1: This is based on the dopfield operation.. the expression is as such..

"Impacts,"Impacts",0,"impulse")<=10000,-1,$F/0.9) ..

this basically calls upon the impulse of the impacts (how hard they hit), and if the impulse is less or equal to 10000, the keep the glue strength solid (-1), if not then take the current frame number and divide it by 0.9 (I did this so the glue would decrease over time)..

2: The second test is based on dopnumrecords...

"Impacts,"Impacts")<=2,-1,10000) ..

dopnumrecords record the amount of collisions the rigid body object have with the static objects. In this case I've set; after two collsions give a glue strenght of 10000. Meaning if two or less collisions occur the glue will be have the solid value of -1.

Ben :P

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