Saturday, July 19, 2008

Pixelated Impacts.. At Last..!!

It's been a tough week but I think it's paid off... I've got my head around Rigid Body Dynamics.. They are a bitch..!! These simulations are based upon bringing in each cube of four, separately into one RDB Object.. As you can see they are a lot of cubes, as at the moment it's not overly procedural.. in fact barely. I don't think I'll have time to do that, but I only really need to do it once, and then I can apply the that setup cube to each environment... In the following video's you'll see the larger cube falling, and then on contact break into smaller cubes, and then smaller cubes again. This gives a real pixelated look, that of the explosions in the game. Also video two has a few more developments::: the colour switching on impact (this won't be applied here but shows the principles for the in sky, invader explosions). Also in example two I've used a For Each loop to bevel the edges of each cube (making them look less CG), this is also where the cubes are coloured at random within a range.... Ben :P

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